Decentralized Bond Ecosystem Platform Debond

Desmo Labs
5 min readNov 19, 2021


We successfully carried out Rebranding in October, during which many community members expressed their concern and interest in the project progress, subsequent planning, and execution progress. In order to make investors and the community better understand us, we hope to initially meet your requirements through a brief introduction of Debond Protocol.

There has been a lack of truly decentralized bond products in the Defi market due to the lack of standards and infrastructure suitable for bonds. As a pioneer in creating a fully decentralized bond ecosystem, Debond has proposed the ERC-3475 standard specifically for bond ecology, and based on this standard, plans to build ecological product support for the industry, adding an important link to the stable and prosperous blockchain economic system.

Debond is a decentralized bond ecosystem platform to build a true decentralized bond ecosystem for Defi market through our proposed ERC-3475 standard. We offer a DEX Wallet based on the ERC-3475 standard, as well as visual bond design tools. Any institution or individual can design their own bond product to raise capital through a visual programming interface with very low technical barriers.


ERC-3475 is a multi-callable bond standard with a more complex data structure. For each bond, independent algorithm rules can be obtained without additional deployment of smart contracts. Based on ERC-3475 standard, not only standard bonds in the traditional sense can be created, but also financial derivatives like futures and options can be created.

The Advantage Of ERC — 3475

Before Debond, the common standard in Defi market is ERC-20. As a kind of homogeneous token, all tokens correspond to the same smart contract and implement a unified algorithm standard, which is difficult to meet more complex financial needs. In comparison, the advantages of ERC-3475 are particularly obvious:

1. Each bond corresponds to an independent contract, which can flexibly develop different redemption time and execution rules.

2. Bonds can be traded on Bond DEX, cut and packaged, and circulated in the secondary market.

3. ERC-3475 not only supports bonds that generate homogeneous tokens, but also non-homogeneous tokens (NFT) that can be used as collateral to generate bonds.

Debond Bond Application Scenarios

FRB: Fixed Rate Bond
LPB: LP Bond
NFTB: NFT Loan Bonds
MB: Hybrid Bonds

Debond Protocol Ecosystem

Debond Bond Exchange

1. Because of the non-homogenous nature of bonds, the dealmaking model is similar to Dutch auction (the asking price at the beginning of the auction is higher than the final price).

2. The seller lists the bonds and waits for the bidding, and the bidder bids to complete the transaction.

3. DeBond Exchange supports auctions of all assets that meet ERC-3475 standards

Debond Wallet

1. DeBond wallet is an extension of the regular ERC-20 wallet that centrally displays all of the user’s ERC-3475 assets.

2. Users do not need to download additional software or regenerate private keys and can operate all ERC-3475 bonds by linking existing wallets via Metamask

Visualized Bond Generator

ERC-3475 provides node-like programming scripts. Allows people unfamiliar with the code to create custom bond products with the click of a mouse. By editing parameters and nodes, anyone can deploy new bond types with one click, empowering everyone the possibility of creating economic models.

Bonded Lending

1. Liquidation risk of unsecured assets.

2. Claims can be cut, packaged and transferred in the form of bonds.

3. Customize the interest rate, loan amount, repayment method and time.

4. Higher utilization of mortgage assets.

5. Each bond contract can be customized.

6. NFT and any other digital assets can be used as collateral.

Decentralized Bonded Lending APP

1. User-defined mortgage type, interest rate, loan amount, repayment method and time.

2. Unlike traditional loan agreements, bond loans allow the borrower to set the interest rate, the amount of the loan, and the time and amount of each repayment.

3. If the lender is properly set up, the bond will be selected by the lender in the secondary market to complete the transaction.

Derivatives application scenarios

1. Hedging: To hedge or reduce investment risk by entering into a derivative contract whose value is opposite to the position to offset part of the potential risk.

2. Options: The creation of an option by linking the value of a derivative to a predetermined condition or event (for example, when the underlying asset reaches a specific price level).

3. Leverage: provide leverage, through which small changes in the underlying value can lead to huge fluctuations in the value of derivatives.

4. Speculation: making money by speculating on market movements (for example, moving in a given direction, staying there, or reaching a specific level beyond a specified range);

5. Arbitrage: a trade that involves entering two or more markets simultaneously to achieve a risk-free return.

Visualized Derivatives Generator

ERC-3475 provides node-based programming scripts that allow even people unfamiliar with code to create custom derivatives with just a few clicks. By editing parameters and nodes, each person can create new derivatives or even new economic models with just a few clicks.

The Financing Process

Our Early Supporters

Debond is in the final stage of its seed round financing. We are honored that our efforts have been supported and recognized by many excellent institutions in the industry. Thanks to our partners (In no particular order):

1. Collinstar Capital

2. Crypto Dorm Fund

3. Exnetwork Capital

4. Hotlabs

5. Lotus Capital

6. Wave Capital

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